
Al Suwaidi Group

Priding ourselves on the fact that we are the first paper Factory in Qatar, we have also taken it upon ourselves to promote greater awareness and responsibility when it comes to environmental resource management and put this mission into practice with our increasing move and reliance on recycling technologies in our continuous efforts to expand and improve our company. Like many others, we strive and hope for a cleaner environment and a greener future, and the decisions we make from now on will be felt many generations down the line.
​Part of our vision includes employment policies that allow our teams to work effectively and harmoniously, and with a common goal of making real and visible improvements in our communities and environment.
​Besides owing our success to the Almighty God, we also owe it to the authentic sincerity and efforts of all of our employees, all of whom have visible passion for what they do. We are always striving to expand our business with like-minded groups and individuals, We are also focusing on developing additional prospects in different parts of the world, and are constantly reviewing and growing our ideas and actions.
​Effective change begins with making bold decisions that can inspire others to make positive changes in equal stride. We are hopeful that the goal for a cleaner future in which recycling is more widely utilized is something that will be attained more widely among societies around the world, and that more companies will recognize the importance of this long-term vision and goal. Global technologies and cooperation can help us greatly in achieving this, and as CEO of this company, I am glad that we are able to position ourselves on the right side of history.

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